The word "khana" in Indian Khana Made Easy means food. So come on, let's explore and cook some easy Indian food together including gluten-free and vegan dishes.


October 20, 2020

Tip Two: Boost Nutrition with Food Pairings - Apple with Peanut Butter

What is your favorite type of Apple?
Empire, Mutsu Crispin, Gala, Red Delicious, Cortland, or Jonagold? 

There is a saying that...


How many of us really believe that?


My husband and I went apple picking two weeks ago and picked about half a bushel bag of apples. And since then, we've been eating 2-3 apples a day. 

I will tell you apple actually has plenty of nutrients in it that helps us keep many health conditions at bay. Below are some nutritional facts about Apples:

  • A medium-sized apple has 25 grams of carbohydrates, 4 grams of fiber, potassium, magnesium, Vit K, as well as other B-Vitamins. It also has 95 calories. 
  • An apple contains fiber and water, two qualities that make them filling and aids in weight loss. Half of the fiber is in the skin so eat it with the skin as it also contains some polyphenols.
    • However, make sure to wash it thoroughly before eating. 
  • The high soluble fiber in apples helps lower cholesterol and heart health and the polyphenols help with blood pressure, stroke risk, and Type-2 Diabetes. 
  • The antioxidants and anti-inflammatory compounds in apples help preserve bone mass as we age.

You've heard about...

However, did you know about Peanut Butter Apple time? 🍎 Apples are often eaten as a snack. Its nutrition can be boosted further by pairing it with protein-rich peanut butter to make a wholesome sustenance snack that fuels our body. This snack can even appeal to muscle-building πŸ’ͺ men. πŸ

Peanut butter contains protein, essential vitamins, and minerals such as potassium, magnesium, and zinc. Below are some health facts about peanut butter.  In every 2 tablespoons of the butter, there is:
  • Protein: 7.02 grams. The Recommended Daily Allowance (RDA) for average women is 46 grams and for men is 56 grams. 
  • Magnesium: Contains 57 milligrams; RDA of 310-320 milligrams, for women and 400-420 milligrams, for men. It plays a key role in many chemical processes of the body. 
  • Phosphorous: 107 milligrams, providing 15.3% of the RDA. Phosphorous helps build healthy cells and bones. 
  • Zinc, Niacin, and Vitamin B6 that are helpful for various body functions like immunity, digestion, enzyme reactions, and protein synthesis. 

Here are more fun facts for the Health Nuts

By bringing these two nutrient-filled food items together, we are boosting their health benefits. The ratio of unsaturated fats to saturated fats in peanut butter is similar to Olive oil which is considered a Heart-healthy option. However, its consumption should be limited to a moderate level as each serving also has 3.05 grams or 23.5% of RDA of saturated fats (to aim for less than 13 grams per day). 

So, next time instead of thinking...peanut butter jelly time, think of Peanut Butter 🍎Apple time and enjoy its benefits!  

October 18, 2020

Tip One: Boost Nutrition to Food items - Sprouted Mung Beans


Mung Beans are small green-colored beans that are most commonly used in Indian cooking. We make many delicious dishes using these mung beans: dal, dosas, moong dal kattu (soup), as well as adding them to vegetable curries like carrots and moong. Steamed or cooked beans can also be added to chaat or bhel puri. The dried version of the whole mung bean is typically used and carries lots of nutrition and protein. However, it can be difficult to digest for some people and can cause abdominal distress like gas and cramps which limits their use. 

Surprisingly, the simplest way to enjoy mung beans is by sprouting them. By sprouting them, you avoid the issues, boost the nutrition value, and improve digestion. Boost their strength by getting some help from the water!

How to sprout Mung Beans

Soak the beans in plenty of water overnight or for at least 10 to 12 hours. Drain the water and transfer them onto muslin or cheesecloth. Then tie them loosely, and leave them to sprout for an additional 24 to 48 hours. Sprinkle some water every few hours to keep them moist. You will notice white shoots arising from the beans. Plan to use them in 2 to 3 days' time as they tend to attract bacteria. If time is an issue, you can also buy them in grocery stores. 

Benefits of Eating Sprouts

  • Improve digestion as sprouting breaks down complex carbohydrates, and also increases the fiber content.
  • Have a good source of B-Vitamins, Potassium, and Magnesium. 
  • Pack lots of Protein as with Amino acids which help cell growth and maintenance, build strong bones and improve immunity by capturing free radicals. 
  • The high fiber content of sprouted beans helps in Weight Loss by keeping the stomach fuller for a longer time and avoid unhealthy snacking.
  • Their high Iron count helps improve the Hemoglobin levels. 
  • The high fiber in sprouts helps Cholesterol (LDL - Low-Density Lipoprotein) and decreases the risk of heart diseases.
  • Their good source of Potassium and Magnesium help maintain Blood Pressure.
  • The abundant source of Folates in sprouts help pregnant women from Neural tube defects.

 Tips to keep in mind when eating Sprouts
  • Eat them raw or steam them, but cooking kills all the nutrients in them
  • Even when sprouted at home, wash them thoroughly before eating. 
  • You can add them to salads, sandwiches, or eat just as a snack.
  • Eat sprouts in the morning or before dinner
  • In addition to Mung, wheat, Chick-peas or any other beans can be sprouted for consumption.

We hope you enjoyed reading about the first tip. Stay tuned for more tips to be shared during this Navratri.