The word "khana" in Indian Khana Made Easy means food. So come on, let's explore and cook some easy Indian food together including gluten-free and vegan dishes.


July 22, 2012

Atlanta - Indulging In Sweets

Cracker Candy! Really? Doesn't that name sound a bit strange? At first I thought so too but as I started eating one and then two, I stopped thinking about it and just gave into the indulgence. Sometimes I feel we care too much about the names and less about the actual taste.

These remind me of black and white cookies! You know what I'm talking about.
The "candies" were crunchy, salty, sweet and simply yummy. We made these the night before I was leaving, so my friend packed me a goodie bag full of them for the flight the next morning. Isn't she so thoughtful!

I think it's okay to give into your sweet cravings once in a while. Give into your cravings and try it out. Don't let the name deter you from trying. 

- 2 sticks Salted Butter (do not use margarine)
- 1 (12oz) package of Milk chocolate* chips
- 1 cup of Brown Sugar
- 1 sleeve or roughly 35 saltine crackers (can use Ritz crackers too)

***Preheat oven to 400 degrees***


1) Line baking tray with aluminum foil and arrange the saltine crackers into the tray so they touch each other, making sure there are no spaces between them.

2) Melt butter in a saucepan and slowly add brown sugar. Boil at medium to high heat for approximately 3 minutes until it becomes bubbly. (Hint: Stir constantly to prevent the mixture from burning.)

Immediately pour the liquid over the crackers and spread it thoroughly over all the crackers.
3) Place in oven for 5 minutes and then take it out immediately.

Sprinkle chocolate chips over the caramelized crackers evenly. Set aside for 5 minutes and then spread the softened chocolate over all the crackers. Place tray in the refrigerator or freezer until solid. When it is ready to serve, lift the candied crackers from the foil and cut/break into desired shapes.

***Quick Tips: 
- Dark chocolate may be substituted instead of regular chocolate.  
- If you want to dress them up with M&Ms, peppermint bits, and/or nuts, it's best to do it right after spreading the chocolate over the crackers (when it's still hot).

July 20, 2012

~Oh Sweet, Sweet Atlanta~

Never mix business with pleasure. My first trip out to Atlanta was early last year and it was all business. I attended this week long Pharmaceutical conference with some colleagues where we showcased our products. It was very busy considering all the work we did in a short amount of time (booth setup, product discussions, and then packed up). We did some sightseeing whenever possible...I did most of mine the last day just before departure.
Last week I was back in Atlanta and this time it was all for pleasure and really enjoyed myself. I attended my friend's wedding and caught up on old times. There was dancing, singing and of course lots of eating. It was truly a memorable experience and much much more. After the wedding, I visited an old family friend and the eating continued through the weekend.
My friend is a busy mom who loves to cook and try new recipes. We have so much in common when it comes to cooking. We both love to experiment with recipes to create our own flavor combinations.  During my visit, she made a couple of yummy desserts. Fun for kids of all ages including me (I'm the biggest kid of all). One of the desserts was Kulfi - rich Indian ice cream. As my friend started prepping, I grabbed my camera and started snapping away.

Mango and Pistachio Kulfi
It didn't take long for the ice cream to start melting with the Hot Atlanta weather. So of course, I grabbed a spoon and got busy eating. I loved the addition of crushed pistachios and cardamom used for flavor enhancement. They complemented each other very well. This is a great dessert to serve for your summer parties and soirees.

  • 8 to 12 oz Kraft Low Fat Cool Whip
  • Half Can Mango Pulp, (Can Size: 1lb 14oz)
  • 1 can Sweetened Condensed Milk - (Size: 14oz can)
  • 1 can Evaporated Milk, (Can Size: 12oz can)
  • ½ cup Pistachios, powdered
  • 3 Cardamom Pods, seeded and powdered (optional)


Whisk the following ingredients together: cool whip, mango pulp, sweetened condensed milk, and evaporated milk. Slowly add powdered pistachios, cardamom and mix well. Then pour the liquid into desired molds or medium to large glass casserole dish and place on a stable shelf in the freezer for at least 6 hours. (Hint: For best results, keep overnight and serve the next day.)

While we waited for the kulfi to set, we gathered ingredients for the next dessert called Cracker Candy. Any guesses as to what this dessert may be or look like?

***Quick Tip:  Other delicious flavors to try are pistachio, saffron, and rose.